
Our History

The Speymouth Angling Association has a long history stemming from its formation in 1944 when the right to fish for Salmon and Sea Trout by rod and line was first afforded to local anglers.

The River Spey and the Association water in particular has built a solid reputation for its fine catches of Salmon, Grilse, Sea Trout and Finnock.

As a result we continue to host on average between 80-100 visiting anglers each season  from many parts of the UK, France, Holland and as far afield as the USA.

Speymouth Angling Association is fortunate to have the rod fishing for some three miles of water from the mouth of the River Spey to the Upper limit of the water at BraeHead.

Salmon only permits for visitors are available on a daily or weekly basis. Please note  Sea trout/Finnock  visitor permits are no longer available on our beats from 2014 season onward. More details can be found on the River Permits page or specific questions can be submitted through the Contact page.

Where to Fish – Guide to Pools

Click on the markers to identify each pool, parking, etc. and see a preview picture which you can click on to open full-sized in a new window.

Double-click on the map or use the navigation buttons to zoom in.

Key features to note:

  • White Marker Posts: End of Pool
  • Fishing from both banks.
  • NB: The course of the river changes frequently

Boulders Pool

The Boulders pool looking up to braehead from east bank car park.

he Boulders pool looking up to braehead from east bank car park.
The Boulders pool looking up to Braehead from east bank car park.

Sea Pool

The Seapool, East bank looking from the Speybay car park area.

he Seapool ,East bank looking from Speybay car park area .
The Sea Pool

Essil Tail

Tail of Essil pool from West Bank looking down to Queenshaugh and Upper Bridge.

Tail of Essil pool from West Bank looking down to Queenshaugh and Upper Bridge.
Essil Tail

Kingston Beach

Kingston Beach looking west towards Lossiemouth from Seapool West Bank.

Kingston Beach looking west towards Lossiemouth from Seapool West Bank
Kingston Beach

Upper Bridge Pool (Queenshaugh)

Image of the Upper Bridge fishing Pool at Queenshaugh.

Lower Bridge Pool

Image of the Lower Bridge Pool
Lower Bridge Pool

Places to Stay

Please click here to go to Visit Scotland to find suitable nearby accommodation.

Parking Available

  • Garmouth side at golf course and Essil. Please be aware this a good will gesture of the golf club therefore please be courteous to golf club users.
  • Spey Bay side at bridge and two around Essil and Hornes on top beat. This can be accessed from the B9104.
  • Church Road beside Essil cemetery.